Recovery from Trauma

“My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.”
– Emery Lord

1780024856Your life feels stuck in a loop.

The thoughts keep repeating, along with anger, confusion, and doubt.

Your anxiety has you on edge all the time. It’s like you’re always waiting for the next shoe to drop. How you feel negatively impacts your view of yourself and darkens your view of the world around you.

Maybe you had one incident that changed your world or is part of a long chain of generational trauma. Either way, this pain is immobilizing you.

There is a strong voice in your head that keeps trying to convince you,

“It wasn’t that bad.”

“After all, other people had it worse than me. Right?”

Would you tell that to a friend in need? It was terrible and affected the whole course of your life. I am here to help you stop dismissing your pain.

That experience still holds you down, no matter how many days, months, or years pass. You become someone you don’t recognize, snapping at the ones you love and feeling too anxious to see any friends.

To make things easier, you isolate yourself. It’s lonely, but at least it feels safe.

Even when you are safe in your bed, the memories come back.

1016009767But it happened so long ago.

You know that you should be over this by now. But you wonder, “Why can’t I get over it?” That thought has become a part of the loop that keeps you stuck.

Maybe you’re wondering – “Shouldn’t I be over it by now? It’s not like my life is THAT bad now. It was ages ago, so why does all this pain and hurt feel so fresh? Why do these memories keep rearing their ugly heads? I can’t seem to catch a break from it all!”

You engage in self-calming practices or numb out with addictive behaviors, trying anything to feel less overwhelmed. But forgetting is easier said than done.

You know it can’t stay this way any longer, but you don’t know how to change.

It’s not just about what happened to you.

Sometimes, it’s about what you did in the situation that you found yourself in.

Recovery is going to get dirty, but that’s okay. Therapy won’t be some secret pill that will magically help you feel better about your experience. Sometimes it will be uncomfortable, but the pain you face is an event that has already happened. It’s time to finish the work of healing what happened to you.

Just living through that experience shows that you have resiliency and courage. Together, we will work to process, heal, and integrate your memories and put those hurts to rest.

You are not alone in this.

It is time to move from post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth. Call me today to take control of your past and move into your future: (509) 220-1564.